Since 1993 the Friends have awarded over £1.5 million in grants to improve the hospital experience for patients and staff.
We welcome applications from hospital departments or individual staff members. We consider requests for medical equipment, furniture, and any other item or project that may improve patients’ experience while in hospital. We cannot normally support research, staff training, or any payments of money to individuals.
​We have three grants schemes:
Mini Grants - for small grants of £100 or less
Friends Grants - for grants of £101-£2,000
Joint Grants (Friends & CW+) - for grants from £2,000 - £10,000
​You can read more about these below.
Mini Grants Scheme
We are keen to raise awareness of the grants scheme among staff and encourage more people to apply. However we know that clinical staff are under huge amounts of pressure, and may not have the time or energy to go through a lengthy grant application process. We have therefore launched a scheme called ‘Mini Grants’, which will allow staff to request small items that will benefit patients but without too much time-consuming paperwork.
If you have an idea for an item that would improve the patient experience on your ward and costs £100 or less, please email us at with the following information:​​
​Your name, ward and job title
Details of the item/s you would like to purchase (with links if possible)
A brief explanation of why the item/s would benefit patients.
There is no particular deadline, and we will aim to give you a decision within two working days.​
Friends Grants Scheme
​The Friends' main grants scheme is for requests between £101 and £2,000. We will usually consider requests for medical equipment, furniture, and any other item or project that may improve patients’ experience while in hospital. To apply please click here to complete the application form.​
Joint Grants Scheme (Friends and CW +)
​The Friends jointly run a grants programme with the hospital Trust’s official charity, CW+, for projects between £2,000 and £10,000 that will help staff deliver better patient experience and care.
Applications are considered on a monthly basis and applicants are usually asked to make a presentation to support their request. You will be informed of the outcome soon after the meeting. ​To apply please click below to complete the application form.
If you have any questions about our grant programmes, please contact the Friends office by email or call 0203 315 8825 (ext. 58825 if calling from within the hospital).